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Family & Divorce News


Protecting Your Parental Rights: Declaration of Parentage Explained

Terri Anson-Dean
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Modern relationships take on all forms and unplanned children may be born to couples who are not married or in a committed/exclusive relationship. In those situations, it may be that a biological father is not named on the child’s birth certificate, in...

Navigating Family Relationships in the New Year

Terri Anson-Dean
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As the festive season comes to an end, January often marks a period of reflection and change for many individuals. While it is true that divorce rates can peak in the New Year, this can also be a time to set the right foundations in place for positive...

Making arrangements for your children this Christmas following divorce

Adam Pinkney
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Christmas is a magical time of year, particular for children.  However, if you have recently been through a divorce, it can be difficult to make arrangements about where they will spend the Christmas period.   Adam Pinkney , Solicitor in...

Divorce in 2022 - what is a no fault divorce?

Jason Evans
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If you are contemplating divorce, we know that you will have multiple questions about the steps involved, the grounds for divorce and the wider considerations for your finances, your home and your children.  In April, there will be revolutionary changes...

Your behaviour might affect your divorce outcome

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It is a common misconception that an individuals general behaviour will affect the outcome in a divorce.  Many clients assume that their partner’s affair, emotional neglect or other awful conduct towards them will result in them securing a more...

Alternative Dispute Resolution hearings within matrimonial proceedings

Tricia Gower
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Agreeing how to divide the matrimonial assets is very often the most difficult and contentious part of the divorce process.  Making a Financial Order Application to the court should be a last resort. The process is intense, protracted and with legal...

Essential Advice for Taking Children Abroad

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With the holidays fast approaching, many parents will need to consider arrangements for the season. Coming to an agreement regarding arrangements for children over the school holidays can be an intimidating experience for many separated parents. ...

Divorce without Court

Jason Evans
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The breakdown of a marriage is always traumatic, and many people think that their options are either to go to court where things can get ugly and expensive, or to go to mediation where they receive no independent advice or guidance. That is not the case. ...

Good Divorce Week

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Resolution are a group of family justice professionals who work to promote amicability within the separation process.  Resolution are spearheading the Good Divorce Week (29 November – 3 December) to endorse ways in which separating and divorcing...

'No-Fault Divorce' - What Does This Mean For You?

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In the UK there is only one ground for divorce; the parties have to demonstrate that the relationship has broken down irretrievably.  There is a burden on the party applying for divorce to prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably by relying...

Poverty in Retirement - why pensions are often the overlooked assets

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Resolution recently reported that only 1 in 6 divorces contain any type of pension sharing; that translates to only 16.67% of divorces! What that means is that if there are pension assets that are ignored one party can end up in poverty in retirement, and a...

Divorce Day - just another day

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I always hear that the first working Monday in January (this year 4 January 2021) is known as “Divorce Day”.  This is supposed to be the big rush after the Christmas break when client’s rush to seek the services of Family Solicitors. ...

Free initial appointment for all family clients - not just this week, but every week of the year

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Those of us that practice family law understand all too well the challenges facing those that are separating or divorcing. We do everything we can to support our clients in a constructive and practical way whilst ensuring their interests and needs are...

An Overview of Remote Hearings

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It is fair to assume that the process of a hearing can be somewhat daunting for the parties involved, particularly those unfamiliar with legal practice generally. This could perhaps be even more so in the family sphere, where matters are likely to carry...

No fault divorce to become the law - but not until Autumn 2021

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On 25 June, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill received Royal Assent. Consequently, the Bill is now an  Act of Parliament  and will become law. To allow time for careful implementation, the Government is working towards a period in ...

Moving Away From the "Blame Game" with No-Fault Divorce

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As things currently stand in England and Wales, the law requires you to establish grounds for a divorce. This means you are required to show your marriage has broken down irretrievably by proving one of either adultery; unreasonable behaviour; desertion; 2...

How coronavirus has impacted on divorce and dissolution proceedings in England and Wales

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It is fair to say that tensions can run high in any relationship at times, but perhaps more so now given that your partner is one of the only people (if not the only person) you have seen for a prolonged period because of the coronavirus lockdown. News...

This week is Mediation Awareness Week

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Mediation can be a helpful way for couples to resolve issues resulting from the breakdown of their relationship, such as finances or arrangements for their children. An independent mediator will try to assist couples to reach an agreement which they both...

Holidays Abroad With Children- How To Be Travel Ready

Suzanne Foster
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Travelling abroad with children requires extra planning. Following divorce or separation, one parent may wish to take their child abroad on holiday. It may also be the case that your child is an unaccompanied traveller visiting friends or family abroad. This...